miles south of Las Vegas, on Interstate 15, at the border with California,
Primm attracts your attention with three casinos and the Fashion Outlet
shopping center. The casinos are Whiskey Pete's, Primm Valley Casino &
Resort, and Buffallo Bill's.
In 1998 State Line was renamed Primm, in honor of the community's
founder Ernest Primm.
The Primm Valley casino displays the actual car, a Ford, in which Bonnie
Parker and Clyde Barrow were ambushed by the police (they counted 167
bullet holes in the car and more than 50 in Bonnie and Clyde, each). The
ambush took place near Gibsland, Louisiana, on May 23, 1934. This attraction
is open 24 hours .
The Buffallo Bill's casino is surrounded by Desperado, one of the tallest
and fastest roller coasters in the world .
A free monorail is available from Primm Valley casino to Whiskey Pete's
and Buffallo Bill's.